Aircraft hydraulic oil mainly used by Chinese fighters

2024-10-25 15:05:37

JF-17 fighter


Chinese-made fighters mainly use aviation hydraulic oil produced in China, of which No. 10 aviation hydraulic oil and No. 15 aviation hydraulic oil are the main ones. These two products are widely used in su-27/j-11, j-10, j-7 (F-7/mig-21) fighters, trainers, transport aircraft and some models of helicopters.


In addition to No. 10 and No. 15, China also uses a large amount of imported aviation hydraulic oil, such as AEROSHELL FLUID 41 and Skydrol LD-4. These are mainly used on Western aircraft, such as SA-321 (Chinese imitation version is called Z-8) and SA-365 (Chinese imitation version is called Z-9) and S-70 helicopters.


It should be noted that there is a big difference between the military and civilian versions of China's aviation oil, and Chinese military aircraft use more hydraulic oil under Chinese military standards.

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